Tuesday, May 15, 2012

When mortal man thinks he knows more than God and is arrogant enough to amend His Word to fit their own corrupt, perverted life style, mortal man is in BIG TROUBLE. When the corrupt former Liberal Government of Canada pushed through the hybrid "man-on-man" so-called marriage law, against the will of God and the will of the people, I declared that God would judge that old-line Liberal Political Party. And He did, through common sense, conscientious, God-fearing and responsible Canadians. Let's pray that history will repeat itself in the USA. - Pastor Max Solbrekken

Black Church Leaders Voice Strong Opposition To Gay Marriage

Monday, May 14, 2012
gay marriage
Just days after President Barack Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage, pastors and priests around Maryland took to their own pulpits with their reaction– and in some cases– condemnation of the president.
When Obama announced that his position on same-sex marriage had evolved, it outraged some African-American pastors like Pastor and Del. Emmett Burns.
“He has said to his base, African-Americans, ‘I am going against your beliefs and your thoughts,’” Burns said.
He’s so opposed to same-sex marriage, he told church members he will no longer support the president and now predicts Obama will lose the election because of it.
Gallup State Numbers Predict Huge Obama Loss?

Gallup released their annual state-by-state presidential approval numbers, and the results should have 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue very worried. If President Obama carries only those states where he had a net positive approval rating in 2011 (e.g. Michigan where he is up 48 percent to 44 percent), Obama would lose the 2012 election to the Republican nominee 323 electoral votes to 215.

Cover of Newsweek: Obama ‘First Gay President’

If Time is going to feature a woman breastfeeding on its cover to foment attention for its magazine, Newsweek apparently isn’t going to sit still and allow Time to get all the attention.
On this week’s issue of Tina Brown’s Newsweek magazine, President Barack Obama is adorned with a rainbow halo, with the headline “The First Gay President,” an obvious play off commentary that former President Bill Clinton was “the first black president.”
The cover promotes the story by Andrew Sullivan, who admitted on his Daily Beast blog and on this weekend’s “The Chris Matthews Show” that the announcement was a very emotional one for him.