Obama Quietly Leading U.S. Into
Middle East Showdown

The coming presidential election is crucial not only for Americans but
for the rest of the world as well.
Almost unnoticed amid the noise of the campaign, a world away, the “Arab
Spring” has devolved into a potentially dangerous confrontation between middle-aged
The stage is the Middle East, which has been transformed by the
so-called Arab Spring. Described in the U.S. media as the flowering of
democracy in Islamic countries, it’s actually a series of rebellions largely
led by the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoots, with the encouragement and
sometimes financial support of
the Obama Administration, without approval of Congress.
The current scene is Syria, which has been engaged in quashing a
rebellion against its tyrannical leadership. Its military has been fighting its
own people, but the Muslim Brotherhood-dominated rebels are not just
home-grown, receiving support from Saudi Arabia and, according to Russian
President Vladimir Putin, theWhite House.
Entering from stage left is the Russian Federation, heir to the Soviet
Union’s military, technology and ambitions. Russia sees Syria as an ally in the
region and counterweight to U.S. influence.
Entering from stage right is NATO, goaded by the U.S., and ready to
jump in with Turkey, which borders Syria, given the right provocation.
Behind the scenes is the wildcard Iran, nursing its own nuclear
ambitions amid growing foreign pressure. It is a traditional ally with Syria,
and together they share the hope of bringing about the downfall of Israel, and
one day, the West. Although this seems like the same goals held
by the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran is predominantly Shia Muslim, while the
Brotherhood is Sunni, a fact which so far has kept them at odds or at least
arm’s length.
Turkey, a NATO member, has recently been provoking Syria — and vice
versa — along its border. When a Turkish spy plane was shot down by Syria last
month, Turkish and NATO leaders condemned the action. The United States has
promised to support Turkey.
NATO, at this writing, is conducting military exercises in the region.
Meanwhile, Russia on July 10 announced that it was sending a flotilla of
warships to the region to conduct their own military exercises and support the
Assad regime in Syria.
In the Persian Gulf, off Iran’s shores, the United States is increasing
its military presence in case Iran follows through on threats to attack oil
tanker ships. In addition to two aircraft carriers, a squadron of Air Force
F-22 fighters and two Army brigades based in Kuwait, the regional force is bulking
up with robotic underwater drones.
As was obvious at the recent G20 Summit in the behavior of President
Obama and Putin, relations between the U.S. and Russia have hit a wall,
probably because of Obama’s ham-handed efforts to remake the Middle East while
hanging in the background. Obama’s involvement in the changes that have roiled
the region are obvious to even the casual observer. You can bet Putin knows
times, places and dollar amounts.
So now our aspiring monarch is leading us by his diplomatic bumbling
into a Middle East powder keg showdown with Russia that could potentially make
the Bay of Pigs look like a Sunday romp in the park.
Obama won’t be able to blame President Bush for this one.