Hillary's sinking ship
Published October 11, 2012
Two and a half weeks ago I wrote a column for Fox News Opinion calling on Hillary Clinton to
quit as Secretary of State. As more information comes
out about what really led to ambassador Chris Stevens’s death on September 11,
we’re hearing growing murmurs demanding the same thing. It’s not a
full-throated chorus yet. But yesterday’s hearings in front of the House
Government Oversight Committee are encouraging others to join in.
They certainly confirm three damning facts about our Secretary of State.
First, she and her Washington minions ignored repeated direct calls for
help with security in Benghazi, including from the ambassador himself, and
warnings about a possible attack on the anniversary of 9/11. According to the
State Department’s security chief Andrew Wood, getting “security in Benghazi
was a struggle” without end.
Twice the man in charge of security for our diplomats in Libya, Greg Nordstrom,
begged the State Department for more security in Benghazi after no less
than 48 security “incidents” there, including two bombings.
Washington, however, said no. Hillary Clinton wanted to preserve the
illusion that all was fine in Libya, especially on the eve of the November
election. She had her minion Charlene Lamb, deputy assistant secretary for
international programs,
tell Nordstrom that State wanted “to normalize operations” in Libya and to
“reduce security resources.”
In the end Ambassador Stevens had to trust his life to hired local
security–who, we now know, led the killers to Stevens’s hiding place where they
could torture, and murder him.
Second, by blaming the Stevens murder on a video instead of Al Qaeda
terrorists, she and the president deliberately deceived the American people and
the world.
Hillary paraded this falsehood in two very public speeches on
September 12th after the attack, and again on the 14th–even though the word was
out within 24 hour
Her own State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research dubbed
the murders acts of terror from the start, and never considered the online
video a factor. “That was never our conclusion,” officials now say.
It was not until September 21st–more than a week after the truth was
known–that Hillary abruptly changed her story to “what happened in Benghazi was
a terrorist attack.” By then the video story was so transparently false
that when she trotted it out one last time at a Congressional briefing on
September 20, the reaction was one of disbelief and disgust. “They’re
trying to cover their behinds,” Congressman Ted Flores of Texas seethed, and he
was right.
Third and finally–and most tellingly--the
professionals at State are starting to abandon the Hillary ship. Wood and
Nordstrom have provided a version of
events that explicitly contradicts the Hillary version of what happened. That
wouldn’t happen unless they and others weren’t fed up with taking the fall for
their boss, and being associated with a dangerous and epic lie.
So don’t expect the administration’s latest story that the video story
was the result of an “intelligence failure,” to help save Hillary.
That’ll only arouse more ire inside t
The only possible conclusion is that, in order to preserve the fiction
that the Obama policy in Libya was working, Hillary Clinton was willing to put
the life of our ambassador at mortal risk, and afterwards deliberately
misdirected our attention away from a genuine lethal threat to our security, Al
Qaeda, toward a fake one, an online video.
After this sustained deception no other Secretary of State in our
history could keep his or her job. This one shouldn’t, either.
Historian Arthur Herman is the author of the just
released "Freedom's Forge: How American Business Produced Victory in World War II
" (Random House May 2012) and the Pulitzer Prize finalist book
"Gandhi and Churchill: The Epic Rivalry That Destroyed an Empire and
Forged Our Age
" (Bantam, 2008).