Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Orthodox Jews and Evangelicals

As for the growing number of Orthodox Jews that identify as Republican, up from 57 percent in 2013 to 75 percent today, one headline declared, "In voting, Orthodox Jews are looking more like evangelicals."

As the story reported, "Among Orthodox Jewish Trump voters, Israel, Iran and terrorism were among the top concerns cited in a survey by Nishma Research, a Connecticut-based polling firm. Among Orthodox Jewish Biden voters, the coronavirus pandemic, 'bringing the country together' and health care were the top three issues." 

This indicates, then, that American Jews are more divided by ideology than they are united by religious faith, since there is a massive gulf between traditional Judaism and liberal Judaism, just as there is between conservative Christianity and liberal Christianity.

In this light, it will be interesting to see what voting patterns emerge if traditional Jews continue to grow in number while the number of liberal Jews continues to drop. And this, in turn, would likely result in a growing voting solidarity between Orthodox Jews and Christian conservatives.

Isn't this why so many evangelical Christians are fans of Modern Orthodox voices like Ben Shapiro while men like Rabbi Daniel Lapin, himself Orthodox, spend most of their time speaking to Christian audiences? The plot thickens.

Originally published at AskDrBrown.org - reposted with permission.