Tuesday, October 10, 2023


God brought us forgiveness, healing, 
peace and great joy
by: Norman & Angela Casavant, Edmonton, AB

God was searching for us before we believed or even sought after Him!  In theology, we call that the 'prevenient grace' of God!  That, separates the Christian Faith from all other religions!

In them, men are striving to appease God, but the Bible teaches that "God was in Christ reconciling us to Himself" for the cross.  True Christianity is God searching after men!  The Casavant's witness is strong evidence of that!       - Max Solbrekken

NORMAN says: God has been good to us!  We have so much to thank Him for! I was ‘a drunkard’ for many years and Angie had to put up with me. Then Jesus saved me and gave us a brand new life! Jesus has become very real to me and we pray every day and He answers our prayers!

God has saved me from certain death several times. The Lord has healed me miraculously and given me good health and strength so that I am still working like a young man at 73 years of age!"

                                                          Norman and Angela Casavant

ANGELA says: The Jehovah Witnesses used to come to our home and that is how I started to read the Bible! Being a Roman Catholic, they told me that that is like ‘the blind leading the blind.’ I asked: ‘Who is blind’? Then I realized that they also were blind because they didn’t teach what the Bible teaches either!

One day in 1975, I accompanied our son Leonard to Leduc to babysit his children, while he visited his lawyer. There was a Christian Bookstore nearby and while we waited, I decided to visit it. When I entered that building, a strange feeling came over me and I had to pinch myself to see if I was alright.

Miracles, inspirational miracle healing testimonies. God intervened in our lives by Norman & Angela Casavant. Inspirational stories by Doug Pruden, Guinness world record holder, Jo and Rodney Moody healing testimoniesThe owner of the Bookstore began to talk to me about Jesus, saying that although he had other plans that day, he felt compelled to come in.

Before I left, I had prayed the sinner’s prayer with him and received Jesus Christ into my heart! He referred me to a pastor, who told me that I was NOW a new creature in Christ and my sins were washed away because I had received Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and confessed Him as my Lord. And that a new life had begun for me! He said: "We can know that we know we are saved." (1 John 2:3-6, 3:5, 14, 19, 24; 1 John 4:2-6, 1 John 13:5-20)  Read Romans 10:9-10), John 1:11-12, John 5:24-26)

My husband was not interested in the Gospel. He was mainly interested in the Bottle of Alcohol.  ! I thought: “What did I do to deserve this? Married to a drunkard all these years?” I used to listen to Pastor Max Solbrekken on the radio and I said: “I’ve got to go to hear him preach!"

I went a few times to his church with some women, but everything was strange with people falling down when they received prayer! Norman ridiculed: “They fall down because they are weak."

NORMAN says one day in 1983, a nun telephoned us. She said: "Normanyou need Jesus!”  Then, in French, she asked me to repeat a prayer after her! It hit me right there. I started crying like a little baby.  I had lost my driver's license for a year, after being in a collision with a City Bus. While waiting for the police to come, I polished off a Mickey of whiskey.  After the prayer, however, something wonderful happened.  I was born again.

I read the Bible every day.  It was so beautiful, like a dark cloud had lifted.  I did not know what was going on.  It was something new.  I didn't feel like drinking or smoking anymore!

I was 16 when I started drinking, and at 53 I was totally changed after praying the ‘Sinner’s Prayer’. I had smoked 3 packages of cigarettes a day and drank a case of beer, some rum, and a 26 oz bottle of whiskey nearly every single day!  Since that time, and for the past 21 years, I have not had any desire to go back to my old life. Hallelujah to Jesus, for the freedom we enjoy in and through Him!

alcoholic transformed by Jesus,amazing healing story. Inspirational real life stories. Smokey the cat saved our children's lives. true amazing stories about angels, cats, people, healings, miraclesGOD HEALED ME AFTER TWO SERIOUS ACCIDENTS!

In 1989, I was offloading a sheet of very heavy plywood from a truck at W.W. Arcade in Edmonton (4 ft x 8 ft x 1 inch). I wrenched my back out of place and could hardly move. I was all bent over and could only move very awkwardly. Other staff members were going to call an ambulance, but I said: “I’m going to see my doctor."

I called Pastor Max Solbrekken. He met me at the church and after a time of prayer, I was instantly healed. My back was normal as if the accident had never occurred! Within half an hour I returned to work. My co-workers were absolutely shocked. They expected me to be in the hospital and off work for several weeks. They said: “What happened? What did the doctor do? Who is your doctor? We can’t believe what we are seeing?"

I answered, “My pastor, Dr. Solbrekken prayed for me and I am perfectly well! Jesus - the Man Upstairs – healed me right away. He is my HEALER.” They wondered if I was going to take some time off, but I said: “I’m ready to go back to work right now!” 

MY BOSSES WERE AMAZED! That same afternoon they sent me out to deliver (2 pallets plus 10) 60 cement blocks, each weighing 70 to 80 lbs. I had to physically lift those sidewalk blocks (24 x 24 inches) off the truck and stack them by myself! And I had absolutely no pain! Praise God!

In 1993, I fell through a hole in the roof we were shingling, at my daughter and son-in-law’s home in Macklin, SK.  It was a 12-foot drop and I landed on concrete. My spine was severely damaged with several broken and cracked vertebrae. When we got back to Edmonton.  I went to the Capilino MediCentre. Ex-rays were taken, giving me the bad news. I was told that I would not be able to work for 6 months.

That Sunday evening, I returned to my old church Faith Cathedral (now called People’s Church) Pastor Max was preaching. As he laid his hands upon me in Jesus’ precious name, I was made instantly well and have had NO more problems with my back since that moment! I could go on and on about God’s goodness to me! Amen.

Max Solbrekken World Mission Box 44220 RPO Garside Edmonton, AB T5V 1N6; Email: [email protected]; comehometojesus.ca; Facebook; Youtube; Blog: MSWM; Donations can be made by e-Transfer. Make your donation to [email protected]; Thank you and may God bless you!