Saturday, July 13, 2024


                          by Pastor Max Solbrekken, D.D., D.Th.

Dear Friends and believers in Jesus Christ,

William and Catherine Booth  founded of the Salvation Army in 1865 and became the leaders in the Gospel of reaching the poor, needy and desperate people. Multitudes of lost, sinful addicts were given new life through  the compassionate Ministry of the Booths and the Salvation Army!

Some years ago I penned the following words as an introduction to a paper called, An Indictment of the Human Race: 

The vanity of human sophistication, the shallowness of human pride, the stupidity and arrogance of celebrated human accomplishments, without giving thanks to Almighty God! All of these are more than enough to bring sorrow and sadness to intelligent human beings and born again Christians, and remorse and revulsion to preachers of the Gospel.

In His great grace and mercy, Almighty God waits for sin blinded human beings to be awakened by His gracious Holy Spirit and in repentance and godly fear find their way to His Mercy Seat for forgiveness, cleansing and redemption! How the heart of God must long for His wayward sons and daughters to return to His loving embrace and to be filled with joy unspeakable and full of glory!

The wicked Evil One and destroyer of mankind, in his perverted sense of pride in his cunning victory of enslaving so many unsuspecting souls through temptation, guile, and lying trickery. Satan's victories are however, short lived as the Coming of Christ and the Day of Judgment
draws near!

That all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God is evident by the depravity that is the hallmark of this perverted generation which continues in the footsteps of  countless millions of boastful, hate filled, greedy and and rebellious sons of Adam!

Only an imbecile or hermit who has no knowledge of this generation's perverted beliefs would be able to know that something is dangerously wrong with our society.

Jesus Christ is the only Answer and Remedy for this world's twisted ills!

Max Solbrekken World Mission Box 44220 RPO Garside Edmonton, AB T5V 1N6; Email: [email protected];; Blog: MSWM; Facebook; Youtube; Donations can be made by e-Transfer; Make your donation to [email protected]; Thank you very much and may the Lord bless you! Amen.