Wednesday, September 11, 2024

                                      RAILROAD CONDUCTOR


                                                Joe and Marge Hill

Marge Hill had been attending our meeting in the “Youth for Christ Auditorium”, Vancouver BC.  One night I asked people who had unsaved loved ones to raise their hands and believe God for their salvation as we prayed.

Sister Hill was believing God for her husband, Joe, who worked as a conductor on the railroad.  A week later while holding another Revival in the Pentecostal Tabernacle, Langley, B.C. (where Brother Ehrhardt was pastor), Marge Hill prevailed upon her husband to go to our meetings in Langley.

Joe Hill was very ill at the time and had been scheduled to go to the hospital on Saturday.  He was going to have a complete check up to determine what was causing all the severe pains in his stomach.  The doctors had told him to book off work and come right in.

Mrs. Hill prayed earnestly that there would be no bed in the hospital on Saturday so that she could bring her husband Joe to our meeting.  On Friday the hospital phoned and said, “we are terribly sorry, but for some unknown reason the bed we had reserved for Mr. Hill has been taken.”  Marge Hill began praising God for the answers to her prayer.

On the way back to our meeting that night, Mr. Hill became so sick he wanted to turn around and go back – but his wife said that she would drive.

When I made the altar call – Joe didn’t raise his hand, but when I asked for those who wanted to be healed to come forward in the general altar call, he came.  (He was so sick he later testified, if God hadn’t healed him, he would have had to go into the Langley hospital that night._

I walked up to Joe and his wife at the altar and asked Joe if he wanted to get saved.  He said NO.  I asked him why? He answered that for personal reasons he didn’t want to discuss just then.

His wife then said that Joe was very sick and would I pray for him.  I laid my hands upon him in the mighty name of Jesus and commanded the sickness and infirmity to go – then I walked away and ministered to some others at the altar. 

When I returned to him in approximately 5 minutes, Joe Hill was a different looking man.  I asked him how he felt.  He said all the pain was gone and he felt fine.  He couldn’t understand what had happened.  He was so happy.  I asked him if he would like to lift his hands to Heaven and say, thank You Jesus.  

As he did the tear trickled down his cheeks and as I hugged him I said, Brother Joe, you just got saved!  He lifted his hands to God and said, “It sure feels wonderful.”  He has been serving God ever since.  Praise the Lord!!

Max Solbrekken World Mission Box 44220 RPO Garside Edmonton AB T5V 1N6; Email: [email protected];; Facebook; Youtube; Blog:  MSWM; Donations can be made by e-Transfer. Send your donation to [email protected]. Thank you and may God reward you for your kindness!