Max Solbrekken in the 

                  Foot Prints of St. Paul


Crusade in Malta 1973

                                        PERSONAL SAVED FILES

Joseph Agius [email protected]

Sat, Oct 17, 2020, 2:43 AM
to mejack

Dear Brother Max,

Greetings from Malta. Thank you so much for your information. This is great. I really like the pictures and the way and what happened “behind the scenes.” The way you replied to the Archbishop had God’s wisdom in it.

I am doing other revisions of different chapters, and hope to include your account in the appropriate chapter, because it collaborates so well with David’s 😊.


God bless you and I look forward to your further input.

God bless.




From: Max Solbrekken <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, 17 October 2020 04:58
To: Joseph Agius <[email protected]>
Cc: Max Solbrekken <[email protected]>; jack fehr <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Crusade in Malta 1973


Dear Brother Joseph,

It was good hearing from you today. It brings back some great memories. I am attaching some information from my Blog: Max Solbrekken World Mission. Here is some vital background to the Manila Miracle:

During our Bergen, Norway Crusade in May, 1968, God gave us a number of documented miracles which were front page news across that nation. David Wulff, a youth leader in that church, was greatly touched  by the Holy Spirit and sought God.

In a dream one night he saw a map with the word 'Island', however, the contour had no relationship to the country of Iceland. He asked the Lord to give him the dream once more. The next night the words across the map read in English, 'Island of Malta'.

Immediately, he and a friend packed suitcases and boxes with gospel literature and flew to Valletta. They were denied entry to Malta and returned to Norway.

They sought God about the matter and realized they should have waited for more instruction. They learned that according to a 1,000 year-old- law enacted by the Knights of Malta,  the Roman Catholic was the sole religion there. 

David discovered that he could enter Malta as a Chaplain to Norwegian sailors and was cordially received by the authorities. They met chaplains to British sailors and American sailors!

David contacted me and we set a date for a  Gospel Crusade. He then submitted an application for the Crusade, which was immediately rejected. I was not notified and was already in Europe. Immediately, David went to see Governor Dom Mintoff and objected vigorously, stating: "Max Solbrekken is well known in Canada and there are many Maltese people in Toronto and if you reject him, it will be a black mark against Malta."

The Governor consulted with the Archbishop His Grace Monsignor Michael Gunzi and it was decided that upon my arrival, I must meet with him. Leaving the airplane, I noticed a number of people on the roof of the airport. I thought they were waving at me but they were not. 

When I entered the airport, a man took my picture. I thought he was from a Newspaper. He was a retired Missionary and his new wife on their honeymoon.  There to greet me were David and his wife together with two other chaplains and their wives. David informed me that the Archbishop was expecting us upon my arrival.

Our wait  in the reception room at the Archbishop's facility did not take long. After meeting me the Archbishop excused himself. Upon  his return His Grace Michael Gunzi spoke directly to me, saying, "I have just spoken to Governor Dom Mintoff about you." I answered, "This is wonderful. I've been in your country for just a few hours and I'm sitting in the Archbishop's presence and the Governor knows I'm here."

The Archbishop changed his tone. He sharply asked, "Why are you here? Who sent you to Malta? I answered, "Your Grace Michael Gunzi Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church in Malta, You ask me who sent me to your country. Your Grace, the Holy Spirit sent me here!"

He was shocked at my answer! He asked, "You mean the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit? That Holy Spirit sent you?"  I answered, "Yes, your Grace, I mean the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; that Holy Spirit sent me here!"

He asked, "If you are allowed to preach, what will you say?" I  answered, "Your Grace, Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church in Malta,  I will preach what the Prophet Isaiah declared, that a virgin would conceive in her womb and bring forth the Christ who would suffer, bleed and die upon the cross for the sins of the world, be buried and rise from the dead on the third day. 

I will preach what Jesus Christ said; 'I am the way, the truth and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me.' I will preach what St. Peter said: "Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved, than the name of Jesus." Your Grace, I will preach what St. Paul said, "For there is One God, and one Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus." Your Grace, I will preach what Pope Paul V1 stated to 15,000 young people on Palm Sunday at the Vatican, when he said: "Jesus Christ is the only hope, life and salvation of this world."

The Archbishop said, That is good. If you are allowed to preach will you proselyte from our Church?” I answered, If the Roman Catholic Church could save souls, I would spend my life turning people into Catholics, but the Roman Catholic Church cannot save anyone.” He was taken back. I continued,If the Protestant Church could save souls, I would spend my life turning men and women into Protestants, but the Protestant Church cannot save anyone.”

     He relaxed. I continued, Since only Jesus Christ can save souls I will spend my time in Malta preaching Jesus Christ.” The Archbishop came off his chair with a smile and said, “That is good, I wish you the best success in preaching Jesus Christ in Malta.”

                                              CHIEF OF POLICE PRAYS!

    Immediately, we received a call that Chief of Police Enoch Tonna wanted to see me. Being invited into his office, we were greeted warmly. He said, I have heard that the Archbishop has given you permission to preach. Do you know of a man called Billy Graham? He has a book. Do you have a book?

I said, “Yes.” He said, I would like that book for my police officers”. He confided, The Mafia have threatened my family,” I said, Let us kneel and pray”. I then led him in prayer to receive Christ as his personal Saviour.

     We prayed together that Jesus would come into his heart and also to protect his family from the threats of the Mafia; that God would cover them with the blood of Jesus Christ.

    Some years later, Enoch Tonna was elevated to Chief of Police for the Nation of Malta. And we corresponded by mail for some time.

   One day as David and I were walking downtown  he spotted a very tall priest. He was a leading Catholic prelate. David said, “Monsignor, This is Rev. Max Solbrekken from Canada.”

    The cleric asked, Is this the man that God is using?” David answered in the affirmative. Does he have a prayer for me? he asked. David asked him, Are you sick, Monsignor?” he asked. Yes, in my body and in my soul,” replied the Pastor of the large Cathedral in Valletta.

    Right there on the main street with people walking about and around us I laid my hands on his head and prayed for healing for his spirit, soul and body. We prayed in Jesus' name for forgiveness and divine healing.

    After a time of prayer and praise, he asked me what he could do for me. I answered that I would be pleased to preach in the Cathedral if we returned to Malta. He said that it might be difficult, but he would see what he could do.

   I was struck by the great humility of the clergy that I met in Malta and I sensed that they were ready for a time of revival.

     Unfortunately, because I was so busy in so many other countries, I never seemed to find the time to return, however, our visit and crusade caused the government of Malta to abrogate the law of the Knights of Malta and to extend full religious freedom to that nation.

In the precious name of Jesus our Saviour.

Max  Solbrekken

P.S. I'll get back to you regarding the Ministry.


On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 3:43 AM Joseph Agius <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Brother Max,

Greetings from the Island of Malta. I trust this email finds you well. My name is Joseph Agius, the senior Pastor of the IPHC and director of Global Institute of Theology – Malta. I am writing my D.Min dissertation on the history of the Maltese Pentecostal and Evangelical Church. Your name was one of the first to be mentioned to me by David Wintersborg (Wulf). Several people say you were the first Pentecostal Evangelistic Crusade in Malta. I was hoping that you could give me your account as you remember it, and maybe any pictures you may have taken on the event.

Would you also please let me know what your general  view about Formal Education for ministers is?

Many thanks and I hope I hear from you soon.



Joseph Agius




+356 79475618

 The Holy Bible states, "Whosoever shall confess that JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD, God dwelleth in him, and he in God: " (1 John 4:15)

Max Solbrekken World Mission
Box 44220 RPO Garside Edmonton, AB  T5V 1N6
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Thank you so much and may God bless you. Amen.