Pastor Max Solbrekken, D.D.
"Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry." (Acts 17:16)
If there ever was a time Christians need to be STIRRED, it is now. Stirred to holy anger, righteous indignation and missionary zeal!
Stirred about the onslaught of the evil one, in his "urgent campaign" to enslave billions of lost souls across the world!
Stirred about the scary rise of the deceptive New Age Movement and their subtle infiltration of our educational systems, governmental agencies, business corporations and churches!
Stirred about the tragic break-up of many homes, the spiraling divorce rate, high incidence of alcohol and drug abuse and violence among our youth!
Stirred about the complacency and acquiescence of an increasing number of spineless politicians and clergy - who in order to please constituents and parishioners - are caving in to demands by sodomites and lesbians!
Stirred about the sins of child abuse, incest and molestation by parents, relatives and family friends! And about the acceptance by many, of suicide as a valid way out of depression, terminal illness and other unpleasant situations!
It is time to get stirred about the awful carnage in our hospitals, the aborting of millions of unborn babies across the world, and stirred because in some cities, the authorities are jailing "the rescuers" who seek to save these precious lives.
It is ironic, when you think about laws that jail someone killing certain species of animals and birds, while protecting abortionists - medical doctors are trained to save lives - who legally kill large numbers of human unborn babies regularly!
The heart of our Heavenly Father must be stirred to the "boiling point", of unleashing upon this wicked world His unprecedented wrath and judgment, because of these infamies!
Stirred enough to get off the "comfortable pew", in order to change the spiritual complexion of our communities, our cities, our nation, and our world ... to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God! (Acts 26:22)
Stirred enough to warn this generation of coming judgment upon a world that has rejected its Saviour and a church that has become lukewarm, complacent and uncaring!
Oh, that God would burden our hearts to fast, pray and intercede for a lost world that has "gone out of control"!
St. Paul saw the rampant idolatry in Athens and his heart was stirred within him, to do something about it!
Immediately, he involved himself in preaching the Gospel on Mars Hill at the Acropolis - across from the Parthenon - to the learned men of Greece!
His message was Jesus Christ and His resurrection. He preached repentance and warned of coming judgment!
We also must become stirred enough to begin reading the Bible seriously, praying fervently and witnessing aggressively for our Blessed Lord Jesus!
It's too late "in the game" to expect things to turn around quickly, if we don't "go all out" in this last and vital inning of the world's history!
Now is the time to decide for Christ. Now is the time to dedicate ourselves totally, without reservation to the task of winning our loved ones, neighbours and friends to Him, before it is too late!
Our prayer should be: "Dear Heavenly Father, by Thy great wisdom, power and grace, please lead me in Thy perfect will, so that I may reach key people for Thy Kingdom. Be merciful O God, and spare the people by sending a gracious revival to our Land. Begin in me O Lord; forgive and cleanse my spirit, soul and mind.
"I give myself to Thee; to be Thy servant and a channel through which Thy great love and power will flow out to others!"
May all Christians totally repent of envy, pride, jealousy, back-biting, gossiping and lying! And may we all pray, 'Not my will, but Thy will O God', so there will be no unforgiveness, lust, greed, bigotry or tormenting fears in the Christian community as everyone dedicates their lives totally unto the Lord!
And may we all be filled with holy love and compassion in order to reach out to our communities with the Gospel of Christ.
O Lord, stir us to holy love, boldness and compassion. May we put away all fear, timidity and false humility so that the Church may become militant for Christ and God's Kingdom on this earth! Amen.
Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war. With the cross of Jesus, going on before!