Tuesday, February 18, 2025










                               ~ TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY ~                                         

                                                                       Max & Donna's with their six beautiful Children
 Dear Friend in Jesus Christ,

Donna and I wish to thank you for your kindness and help during this past year and earlier; some for many years! It is hard to believe that sixty years ago in 1963, we launched the world-wide Ministry for Christ, in which we are still very active!

My father’s instant healing in 1956 while listening to Oral Robert’s radio broadcast, and sudden baptism in the Holy Ghost while singing a hymn, made an impact upon me.  I had drifted from God since my confirmation at age 15 in the Evangelical Lutheran Church and I was beginning to seriously think about God again!

In 1957, while Donna and I were visiting my parents in Norquay, Saskatchewan, I experienced Christ’s forgiveness, and received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with speaking in unknown tongues. My life was forever changed. Some time later Donna was also born again and filled with the blessed Holy Ghost.


My experience naturally had a great effect on Donna because it was so new to both of us and I had to make a total change in my lifestyle which naturally affected her. Our love for each other and our family held us together like glue!

We had left the Evangelcal  Lutheran Church and began attending the Pentecostal Church. There was a family that offered to bring Donna to the church while I was away. We also had a kind neighbour who offered to keep the children if that was necessary. We did not own a vehicle because I drove a Swift's Company car.

We learned that Eunice Meyer who was a well known Singer and Pentecostal Evangelist would be ministering there for two weeks. Donna graciously declined the offer. Then one day she felt an inner urge to attend the meeting. The neighbour lady gladly offered to keep the children and someone from the church made arrangements for a ride. Eunice Meyer played the accordian and sang the old Gospel songs and preached with love, grace and power!

Donna remembers that the Holy Spirit literally carried her to altar and she was born again and filled with such joy that her life was forever changed. She was overcome by the Love of Jesus and filled with the blessed Holy Ghost. What a time of joy was in our home when I returned. To God be the honour and praise and glory!

Working as a Swift Canadian Reprentative was a respectatable and comfortable job. One day I was asked to train a young man on a certain territory. His father had recently passed away. As we travelled I said, "Prayer helps." He retorted, "I don't need God. And even though you are our best salesman, you were bypassed as Supervisor because Head Office felt you are too religous!"

I answered, "Ken, I have something that not even Swift Canadian can take away." He asked, "What is that?" I answered. "Jesus Christ!"  Just then, the Holy Spirit reassured me that my future was secure and to wait for His guidance. About a year later something special happened.

I made my regular call at Kelly Douglas in Prince George, B.C. At the counter getting his order was George Manton, the McCormicks representative. I said, "Good Morning George. Congratulations! I heard that you are leaving McCormicks to build Prince George's first Bowling Alley."  He answered, "Max, I've been wanting to see you. I want you to have my job." I answered, "Why, George? All your friends want your  job." 

He said, "Max, you are the best salesman in the entire area. I have looked after my customers for more than fifteen years. I know you will do the same." I said, "If you really mean that, drop off my name at the offic in Vancouver. Thank you, George."

Within a few days, I received a call from Lange Williams of McCormicks Ltd. in Vancouver. He said, "George Manton has just been here and gave us your phone number. He highly recomends you. When can you come to Vancouver?" I said,  "Mr. Williams, I'm employed by Swifts and I am not able to leave the territory. If you want to see me you will have to come here."

"When, can I come?  asked Mr. Williams. "Friday at 5:00," I answered. As we were leaving the airport, Lange Williams pulled out a 26 ounce bottle of booze. "We don't drink, Mr. Williams". "O' that's the kind of people we want!" I brought him to our little duplex and Donna had supper ready. I said, "Mr. Williams, we always pray for the food." He said,"That's the kind of people we want!


George Manton had a special contract making 10 % across the board, paying his own expenses and setting up his own schedule. I got the same contract and made more than double the salary I had originally made! Hallelujah and Praise the Lord!

Mr. Middleton the president of McCormicks Ltd. in Canada usually came to our yearly Business Meeting and Banquet at the Georgia Hotel in Vancouver. I remember one particular meeting was so special. After the Banquet all the men were standing around with a cocktail saying their good byes. It was Sunday at 6:00 pm. I asked Mr. Middleton if I could say something before I left

He called for everyone's attention: I said that it was wonderful to meet everyone again and thanking Mr. Middleton for such a great banquet. Then I said, "It is 6:00 o'clock and I must go to church." A hush fell over everyone and Mr. Middleton set down his glass with a thump saying, "That is where we should all be, in Church."

The meeting broke up and several young men asked me to their room to pray for them. Howie Farrel the president of the B. C. Branch asked me to book out of the Hotel and stay overnight with he and his wife. At their home we talked about Jesus Christ and the Bible.  She was an R.N. and we talked about life and death. And we fell to our knees as they both asked Christ to come into their lives. And we remained friends for many years!

As early as 1958 I was sharing Christ on my buiness trips and in 1961, I began broadcasting over several Radio stations with much success. Some wonderful miracles of salvation and divine healing were happening, which greatly encouraged me and for that I am eternally thankful!


Early in 1963 God spoke to me from Acts 6: 2-4: “Then the twelve called the multitudes of the disciples unto them and said, It is not reason that we should leave the Word of God and serve tables… But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the Word.”

My time of serving tables was fulfilled.  I knew God had called me to the Ministry. I worked as a Commercial Traveller and used my available time studying God’s Word with fasting and prayer.  Wanting to be certain, I asked God for another six months to wrap up my business, find a replacement and train him.

In August 1963, we launched into the Evangelical Field to proclaim Jesus Christ as the Light of the world and the only Hope of Salvation!

Donna and I had built a new home in Prince George, where we lived for 6 years. I was in a crusade in Kent, Washington in December 1963. Our good friends, the Hunters pastored White Rock Pentecostal Church. They had inquired about a 3-bedroom house for rent. The Assembly of God in Kent were having a wedding on the Saturday allowing me to drive down to White Rock that afternoon.

The Hunters stated that there had not been a three-bedroom house for rent for the last 90 days. As I was driving up Johnson Road, I saw Wolstencroft Realty lights and God urged me to stop there. It was 15 minutes to closing time. I parked and walked inside. A gentleman met me. I asked, “Do you have a 3-bedroom home for rent?”

He said that there hadn’t been any for three months, but that a man had been there 30 minutes earlier and put his house for rent. He lived in Prince George and had bought a new vehicle and had taken it for a spin and would be back in 10 minutes. I asked, “What is his name?” He answered, “His name is Ernie James.” I said, “I know where he lives in Prince George because we are neighbours!”  We rented his house for three months and then we made a deal to exchange homes!


Years ago, I began writing my story called, ‘My Heaviest Cross’ and this is some of it! Leaving my beautiful wife Donna and our precious children for long periods of time while I preached Christ’s Gospel has been my ‘Heaviest Cross.”  Thomas Tutyko and I were away from home for 3 ½ months in 1966. We had great crusades from Japan to the Philippines and India. Thousands of souls were saved, and great miracles performed in Jesus’ name. We had the company of one another, which was a great blessing!

I have travelled in Crusades for weeks and months labouring for the Master. Watching the news these days and seeing the awful carnage in Ukraine by the wicked Russian Military, I can remember the cities where I preached across Eastern Europe from 1989 to 2005. We had such great blessings especially in the Ukraine, many of those cities now lie in ruin!


A few weeks ago, Donna and I were discussing the high cost of preaching the Gospel. We know that Jesus paid the price for our salvation when He died for our sins, fears, loneliness, sickness, and disease. And by His stripes we are healed and have been given power over the devil in Jesus’ holy and matchless Name!

Donna said, “Of the many times the children and I took you to the Vancouver International Airport, the children and I were so sad, and I said in my heart, “If only we had one more night together!” I asked, “Do you really need to leave today?” Then suddenly you said, “I’m not leaving tonight. I’ll call them that I have been delayed” and you swung the car around and headed Home. That was the happiest night I had. After that, it was okay.”

Donna remembered the time I had said goodbye to her and the children at the Airport, with the keys to our car in my pocket. Donna ran out to the exit gate shouting, “My husband has the automobile keys in his pocket. Stop that airplane. I have four children here and no keys to our vehicle.” Fortunately, they got word out to the airplane, and I was able to give them the car keys, and my precious family were on their way safely home! Whenever I was at home and we could travel in the vehicle, we took the whole family!


Ken travelled with me a lot, even while I was still a Commercial Traveller. I would introduce him to my customers. I called him my shadow. He was 3 ½ years old when I preached a three-week Revival at the Langley Pentecostal Church with Pastor Erhardt. Ken and I lived in the Attic where a bed had been set up amidst a lot of other things.

When I made the altar call and people would kneel at the altar, I would come down and lay my hands on their heads and pray. Ken followed me and did the same. Then when I felt my ministry was over and people continued praying, I would lay my hands on Ken’s head and pray for Him before carrying him up to the Attic. 

One night there was a large crowd and after much prayer, I took Ken with me and was getting into bed. Suddenly, he said, “Dad, you didn’t pray for me tonight!” I sensed the presence of God upon him and asked, “Do you want to give your heart to Jesus tonight, son?” He said, “Yes, Dad.” We knelt in that little attic at the Langley Pentecostal Church and my son Ken gave his heart to the Lord.”


Every five weeks I would work my way west calling on every Grocery Store and Logging Camp, and I would usually be in Hazelton or Prince Rupert for the weekend. Pastor Jack and Irma Williams were doing an amazing work in about four or five Indian Reserves. They would ask me to speak and we would have great outpourings of the Holy Spirit among them as God did miracles of deliverance and healings for His glory.

A group of Natives had been to the USA to hear Evangelist A.A.Allen and returned with new spiritual power. Chief Steve Morrison of Kispiox, B.C. locked himself in his room asking God to use him for His glory. While in prayer, God gave him a new song callled 'Boundless Love Beyond Degree' which immediately was passed on to other villages enhancing their revivals.


Boundless love beyond degree, calling for the wanderer Home, Jesus grace so full and free, calling for the wanderer home. He will set you free from sin, calling for the wanderer home.  He is even at the door, Calling for the wanderer home!  Here is a testimony:

 Before I entered the Ministry God gave me many opportunities to glorify His Name. Every fifth week I would see my customers from Prince George to Prince Rupert, usually spending the weekend there. I had many invitations to preach as well. 

One Sunday evening I was preaching at the Native Fellowship Hall when the Dean of the Anglican Cathedral came to see me. He reported that he had gone to see Dr. Elliott  of the Prince Rupert United Church and asked what could be done to stop Max Solbrekken from influencing his parishioners to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

 Dr. Elliott answered that Max Solbrekken the McCormick salesman had something that neither of them had, because his parishioners were also affected the same way. Dean Patterson asked him what I had that they did not have. He preaches born again and Holy Ghost infilling.

Dean Patterson told me that he went to the Anglican Cathedral and laid on the floor before the CROSS.  He was desperate. JHe had to hear from God persoally. For many, many hours he lay there weeping, crying and asking for the Holy Spirit to come into him. Then, it happened and he was baptized with the blessed Holy Ghost and fire.

He told the congregation and they sensed the new life of joy he was sharing with them. After some time the authority decided that they did not want this new life in the church and he resigned. 

A new door had opened for he and his family to join Father Dennis Bennett of the Seattle Episcipal Church. I asked him to greet the congregation and we prayed over him in Jesus' precious name. At the close of the meeting we gathered an offering which was delivered to him that night. Praise the Lord!
To God be all the Glory, honour and Praise. Amen.


In circa 1958, Donna and I  left Connie and Linda for two days with friends in Quesnel, B.C. while we travelled together with Walter Bonnnet and the McGilvarys to Seattle to hear A.A.Allen. His large tent had blown down and the crusade continued at the Convention Centre. Several thousand had gathered and there was great enthusiasm, and now I understood why Chief Morrison and his band of Natives were so blessed!

As Rev. Allen prayed for the sick, outstanding miracles happend. A lady in a wheelchair stood up and walked and a woman brought from a Mental Hospital with several male guards was liberated. She had been gagged because of her coarse language and her hands bound. Allen asked the guards to remove the gag and the words that came from her mouth were satanic. The cursing and swearing were the worst I had witnessed as Brother Allen commanded the evil spirits to leave the woman. 

Then all was quiet as he asked God to fill her with the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, she began to weep softly uttering the Name of Jesus in prayer and burst into new tongues glorifying God. The preacher asked the guards to take the shackles off her. The relatives of the woman rushed up and hugged her and she wept in their arms as the guards watched in amazement!


Then Allen pointed toward me and said, "Young man, I've been watching you for an hour. You have a halo around your head. God has called you. Your ministry  will reach multitudes of the lost, sick and suffering people around the globe. He will give you great miracles of healing for His honour and glory!"

He said that God was going to use me in  a great measure to win multitudes to Himself and my ministry would encircle the globe. Many more things he said under the influence of the Holy Ghost, but I could hardly hear them, the power of God was all over me and I was almost lost in the Spirit. Then the Evangelist said, "Come up here young man." 

I jumped to my feet and almost ran down the aisle. When I came to the platform, the power of God was on me so strong, I was trembling and crying. He put the microphone to my mouth to say something but all I could do was cry and nod my head when he asked me if I knew God had called me. The power of God was upon and I was sobbing. The power of God was so strong, I was shaking. He opened the Word of God to Isaiah 58: 6,7 and asked me to kneel before the Lord.

Then he told me to put my finger on those two verses, and believe while he prayed for me. He said that if I  would believe those two verses, while he prayed, I would do those things which were written in those two verses. I  must be agreeing with God's Word while he prayed for me.

Then he left me there kneeling with my finger on those two verses while he began to preach. The Holy Spirit of God came all over him and he seemed to forget about me. His tears hot fell on my head and and on the Bible. He said, "This world is so full of  people who are bound by the powers of darkness, people who are oppressed and tormented by evil powers and fettered by wicked habits." He then quoted Isaiah 58: 6,7.

"Is not this the FAST that I have chosen, to loose the bands of  wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to the house? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh." 

The tears streamed down his face as he talked of the thousands who were oppressed by satanic powers around the world that never would be deliverred unless we get to them with the glorious message of Jesus Christ, our resurrected Saviour. Then the Evangelist made a statement I had never heard before. He said, "Tonight I'm going to loose the bands of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens, let the oppressed go free, and I am going to break every yoke." 


I wondered how he could do those things, when the Spirit said, "Didn't Peter do it  at the Beautiful Gate of the city when he said in Acts 3:6: "Silver and gold have I none, BUT SUCH AS I HAVE GIVE I THEE, In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." What did Peter have? He had God's power to bring healing and cause a miracle to take place and he used the power within him (the faith in Christ).

Then Brother Allen called for sinners to come forward and I heard hundreds of feet hurrying up the aisles to be saved. I cried and wept as I  witnessed hundreds accept Christ and be converted. I thought "This is what I need, such power in our meetings."  When he prayed for me, I received God's promises. What a night that was. I certainly will never forget them!

The next day we arrived early in the morning to get to get a front seat because we had to leave early! When the Evangelist asked for testimonies there were many who had been healed. Finally Brother Allen asked me to the podium and gave me the microphone and I shared what God had done for me.

He said, "You know God has called you. What are you going to do about it?" I answered, "I am ready and willing, if God will make me able!" He laid his hands upon me and said, "I am going to pray that God will make you able right now!"

In his prayer He asked God to give me a double portion of the mighty Holy Ghost that was in my life. I was slain in the Spirit and Donna was touched mightily and was also slain in the Spirit and received a mighty infusion of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord! Amen.

Word spread about Rev. Allen's  prophecy about myself wondering when I would enter the Ministry. I answered that only God knew when I would be ready. In the next four years I literally devoured God's Word and preached among all our Native friends on my territory. My sales were through the roof as God had given me a very special position with a Large Company where I became comfortably well off.

For the next five years, by the grace of God I sought His will as I studied His holy Word, fasted as much as possible, preached and was very successful in the Business World!


When we started Radio broadcasting and later on TV,  we paid all the bills personally. We were raised by intelligent, hardworking parents, who had immigated from Norway. We were told never live off others, but make our own way. Then we can help someone else. We have always lived by my Mother and  Father's philosophy!

 And soon our Ministry was catapolted world wide. Today Donna and I are still on the Salvation Road and with Jesus in the vessel, we can smile at the storm. And the Devil knows he has to back off because we belong to Jesus Christ, washed in  His blood and have power in His name. And he knows that he has lost the battle. 

The Bible states, "Behold I give thee power to CAST OUT DEVILS and to heal the sick in Jesus' name, by the  BLOOD of the Lamb and to Power of the Holy Ghost! Amen.

 We used our vacation in 1962 to preach in Edmonton, and Billy Legette joined us. He was a professional violinist and great song leader. That 10-day crusade reached many people and 95 answered the altar call for salvation and many testified that Jesus had healed them. Nine young men from the Roman Catholic Seminary went forward for prayer!

Ten Seminarians from St. Joseph’s Seminary in St. Albert, Alberta came to the meeting to openly challenge me about statements I had publicity made about the false teachings about the Papacy and the Roman Catholic Church. They made their plans known to our Head usher, who did not divulge it to me.

As Billy Legette and I walked onto the platform, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit say to me, “Give the Pope a rest tonight, Son!” God gave me a powerful message to deliver on the Cross of Christ! The Altar was filled and among them were nine Seminarians, who asked for an personal audience with me. They all thanked me and confessed, that had received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour!


In 1963, we bought an old Army Tent, Semi, and Trailer for $2,000. Brother Casperson, a Norwegian Fisherman in New Westminster gave us the money, and we used that tent to preach Christ and liberate multitudes of people in the next two years across Western Canada. The News Press always gave us good coverage because they realized we practiced what we preached, and the miracles God performed were genuine!

It was exciting for five-year-old Ken and me, driving that old rig across the Pattullo Bridge in New Westminster, B.C. We took a right turn and drove the winding Old Yale Road bypassing Surrey, toward White Rock. Our good friend T.B. Nash, a sign painter who was staying with us, painted in large red letters across the long trailer, ‘Jesus Saves, Heals & Fills with the Holy Ghost’.  

Together with Don and Joyce Gossett we put up the tent in Surrey, B.C. in early 1964, with great success. Our second Crusade was in Edmonton where 14 churches backed our ministry, and hundreds were converted to Christ. Then on to Winnipeg and Steinbach and other points! That old Army Tent was held up by three 45-foot-high telephone poles, and an old Chevy three-ton tractor saw a lot of action for our Saviour.

And because I was young and strong and had earlier learned hard work on the farm, I could swing the heavy Sledgehammer to drive in hundreds of long wood anchor stakes. Everywhere we set up the tent, we often had great help from local believers. Bob Rosin, my great friend who was a Farmer and former long-haul Trucker found time to transport our outfit from city to city. And usually, my precious little Kenny was my constant companion!

I hadn’t planned to write all this, but Donna’s comments brought me to tears and the book I have always planned to write has just got a rough beginning!  


For years we sent out prayer cloths to people who requested them, and the results were amazing. Testimonies of great miracle healings happened to some people who used them in faith and prayed in agreement with us in Jesus’ name!

The Bible says: “And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.” (Acts 19: 11,12)

God laid it on my heart to send a prayer cloth over which we have prayed, for you to use in agreement with us for God’s healing touch upon you, for His honour and glory! Please request as many prayer cloths an you can prayerfully us when you write!

Your servants for Jesus’ sake,                                                                                                                      Max & Donna Solbrekken     

P.S.   In 1989, I had the privilege of preaching in Romania and Ukraine. The doors had opened across Eastern Europe and thousands of people were attending. Although I loved being the pastor of Faith Cathedral Edmonton, God was drawing me to Eastern Europe. Donna and I were ministering in Norway when we discussed what I was feeling in my spirit. On July 21, 1989, God spoke these words to me:

“My son, your ministry will be greater from now onward than hitherto. Take My Word to Eastern Europe now!” 

Ken helped us organize together with Pastor Laurie Hueppesheuser to amalgamate Faith Cathedral and People’s Church as one body under their leadership. The official amalgamation took place on October 27, 1991.                                                                                                               

Amazingly, the Edmonton Revival Centre that became Faith Cathedral was officially opened on October 27, 1969.

Max Solbrekken World Mission Box 44220 RPO Garside Edmonton, AB T5J 1N6; Email: [email protected]; comehometojesus.ca; Donations can be made by e-Transfer. Make your donation to [email protected]; Youtube; Facebook; Blog: MSWM. Thank you and may the Lord richly bless you!